© socialchangenow.org all rights reserved


More In Common

Human beings are basically a biological box of crayons distributed geographically and categorized demographically, differentiated culturally, and expressed in custom and language. That’s it. Even the problematic parts…sentience, isms, attitudes, learned behaviors, and destructive tendencies are commonalities across distance and history. If we could just get over ourselves and stop needing to invent drama to feel we’re alive we would see all the free gifts in nature that are reliable indicators that we are indeed alive. If we could put aside the antics, we would see we’re much the same…in our hopes, dreams, wants, desires, fears, and aspirations.

Small Acts and Gestures

So, change starts with no so big or wide gesticualtions or orations. Just smiles, hellos, greetings, courtesies, cordialities, kindnesses, and considerations. Build from there. It does work. Like anyting else, it takes consistency, dedication, committment, and practice. Anyone can do it. It costs nothing and pays very well.

Everyone Has A Voice in This

Whatever the issue or problem, with enough collective effort and focus, change can happen. Working together, having humility, developing patience and interpersonal skills, and learning to communicate positively and effective is the beginning. Any one of us, all of us, can make a difference. Sometime in small ways, sometimes is very big ways. But each one of us has input. We all are a part of the human condition. We all have a voice in this.
© socialchangenow.org all rights reserved


More In Common

Human beings are basically a biological box of crayons distributed geographically and categorized demographically, differentiated culturally, and expressed in custom and language. That’s it. Even the problematic parts…sentience, isms, attitudes, learned behaviors, and destructive tendencies are commonalities across distance and history. If we could just get over ourselves and stop needing to invent drama to feel we’re alive we would see all the free gifts in nature that are reliable indicators that we are indeed alive. If we could put aside the antics, we would see we’re much the same…in our hopes, dreams, wants, desires, fears, and aspirations.

Small Acts and Gestures

So, change starts with no so big or wide gesticualtions or orations. Just smiles, hellos, greetings, courtesies, cordialities, kindnesses, and considerations. Build from there. It does work. Like anyting else, it takes consistency, dedication, committment, and practice. Anyone can do it. It costs nothing and pays very well.

Everyone Has A Voice in This

Whatever the issue or problem, with enough collective effort and focus, change can happen. Working together, having humility, developing patience and interpersonal skills, and learning to communicate positively and effective is the beginning. Any one of us, all of us, can make a difference. Sometime in small ways, sometimes is very big ways. But each one of us has input. We all are a part of the human condition. We all have a voice in this.