What advocates and others
are doing
People are marching and prostesting, rushing
the stages, speaking with elected officials and
sharing information.
Veterans advocates are trying to keep the
issues that are affecting veterans in the
forefront. More needs to be done.
Change can happen
anywhere, anytime
Small acts of kindness. Politeness. Courtesy.
Manners. Patience. The benefit of the doubt.
Positive self talk. These are all things that
tamp down hostility, aggression, angst,
altercations, and violence.
A smile, a gesture, holding back on the the
relexive behavior for more reflective
behavior. If everyone could entertain the
altruistic goal daily of, at the very least, giving
an honest effort to NOT contribute to
someone having or continuing to have a bad
day…if not actively trying to contribute to
everyone each of us encounters having a
good one.
Failed politics, leaders, and
Cutting programs and support that is needed
by those who need it, not good. Doing
anything that disrupts the general since of
“okayness” that citizens feel isn’t good either.
Not being honest, not having decency, and
forfeiting one’s dignity is discouraging to us
all. No matter who does it.
The idea of race, supremacy of the
narcissistic kind, particulary with regard to
human physical features is absurd, not
constructive, seriously harmful, and very
dangerous…and utterly and completely
ridiculous as a notion.
Enviornmental and global
Worried about what’s in our water, in the
ocean, and the storms that form over it?
Yeah, me too. Also, what’s in the food we eat,
what’s in the soil, what’s happening to bees,
and how are people going to sustain their
lives, have quality lives, and have dignity.
What’s being done…eveywhere…by whom?
Climate change is not a hoax. Neither is
breathing…or dying. Everyone has a collective
interest in the world healing both
geologically, and in humanity. Those
exploiting, and causing the problems don’t
seem to get it or care. It’s almost like the
“zero sum game” has metasticized to “you
can’t have it, even after i’m dead!”