Food Security, Homelessness,
Healthcare, Climate
Maybe the World Health Organization and
the United Nations should combine and
actually have internationally agreed upon
oversight in how these major problems are
impacting people all over the world. The are
critical stage issues that need solutions
Racism is getting in the way
If those who believe in, perpetrate, and
support racism could just figure out that is
the single most common underlying risk
factor is societies, we’d all be much better off.
It is a waste of everyone’s energy-including
the racists, is stopping humanity from having
any shot at tackling the other devastating
issues. Oh, and it’s awful and heinous things
now and historically have occurred on its
Violence…intimate partner, women,
stranger, police…
Violence is a serious problem. No cultural
excuse makes this okay. And, for whatever
reason, no one wants to serioulsy look at the
vastly predominant factor…males. We must
get this right. Not later, but concurrently with
other solutions to other serious problems.
Health and safety of our kids are
the most important
If you can’t do it because it’s right…if you can’t
do it because you’re close to “judgement” and
are evaluating your life, if you can’t do it out
of conscience, if you can’t do due to morals
and values, if you can’t do if for common
decency or altruism…if you can’t do it
because you wouldn’t want it done to you or
Then can you just do what’s right for little
kids. C’mon man.
Veterans, the Poor, Elderly,
I’m not going to stop saying this…we are all in
this together. You want to test the
idea…would you want to be rescued from
buring, starving, trafficked, debilitation
condition or diease, etc. There’s is not a
person on earth of sound mind that would
say no. That means we basically all want the
same thing. Why is everyone getting this?
What is happeing to veterans, kids, mothers,
women, the elderly, pets and animals, the
vulnerable, the homeless, etc. (and there is
overlap) is repugnant, unacceptable, and
sadly unnecessary. Just a few are responsible
for so much suffering.
Enviornmental Justice
Everyone want be able to relocate to the
“colony.” Some of us wouldn’t go even if we
could afford it. Earth is “home.” It’s all we
know. It’s all we’ve ever known. How people
could allow a few greedy, corrupt (and
possibly sociopathic) individual do this to the
only place we can survive in the know
universe without suits, helmet, and supplied
oxygen is beyond me.
No one wants to live in, on, near, around, or
on top of a dump or landfill, or toxic waste, or
carcinogens, or anything like it. Yet, the poor,
unaware, uninformed, underrepresented and
voiceless are living this way all over the world.
Ask yourself why? Then do something about
You or yours could be next. And what
happens after COVID 19 when oxygen
becomes a commodity. By the way, there’s
only 2% of fresh water available on the entire
planet. Drink every drop, really shorten that
shower, turn off that faucet, limit that
watering or eliminate the need, and so on.
Aqua is at least as precious as oxygen and